report on swimclub session #13

Wot no session #12 I hear you cry. Well it did happen (alledgedly) but I was not there to record it. I went out with some *whisper* other friends. And my ghost/guest blogger has been too busy training to write anything either. Or maybe without me it just wasn’t worth writing about!

Low key and brief swim club today, Sharon was at work (boo) the rest of us (me, Danny, David and Orlando) did a mere 35ish lengths as Danny and David have a half marathon tomorrow, and Orlando and I are lazy! We did a bit of treading water too, still not quite sure what it is after doing it for 5 minutes!

David timed himself and me over 400 metres again, we have both improved since last time. I did 10.06 so am sticking with my prediction of 10.55 for the triathlon. David lapped me and did some massively quick time – 8.18 or similar.

No cake today – the clubhouse was shut due to the slackness of the maid. So we went out for lunch in one of Teddington’s less bourgeois cafes. Orlando drank a lot of smoothies, we had some baguettes and stuff and I repeat no cake was consumed by anyone. A historical day in the history of swimclub.

3 Responses to “report on swimclub session #13”

  1. David Rowe Says:

    I had a lovely banana milkshake. I’m still upset that my “garnish of crisps” with my baguette meant 4 of the ready salted variety on the corner of the plate.

  2. David Rowe Says:

    Hmn, or was it vanilla. I think so. Whatever shake I had its obviously not good memory food/drink.

  3. Danny Says:

    I’m now going to blend the bunch of bananas from the Tranelagh Half into a smoothie…

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