The London Marathon

Last Sunday we headed up to The Embankment to watch The London Marathon. I have been to every single London Marathon, and this was the best weather yet……. for watching. I was extremely glad I ran last year in the cool drizzle and was watching this year in the beautiful sunshine.

We had a fantastic viewing point just before 25 miles with a large crowd of enthusiastic Stragglers. Some so enthusiastic they had been there since before 9 am staking out the spot. Thanks guys! (I had to watch the first 5 minutes on telly before leaving home to listen to the theme tune and get me in the mood!).

I always find the FLM a very emotional experience and this was no exception. After watching the awe inspiring international elite runners and wheelchair athletes we waited to spot our friends and fellow Stragglers, Ranelaghs, bptters, adiRunners etc all the while shouting encouragement and support and handing out chocolate, jelly babies and water.

Several people were clearly suffering badly in the heat including some very talented and well trained runners. Many were well behind their predicted/expected times and hanging in there just to get to the finish. Luckily we didn’t see any serious casualties, although one guy threw up right by us and another, after stopping for a jelly baby, had to be reminded which way to go. Scary stuff.

I have enjoyed watching the FLM a lot more since running it myself (2002 and 2006) and knowing exactly the pain the runners are feeling. However I have also become more and more annoyed by the seemingly huge numbers of people who take part every year clearly with no consideration as to the massive challenge they are taking on, and with no intention of training properly or even attempting to run.

This seems to me to be disrespectful to the event and also to the hundreds of RUNNERS who are desperate to do it every year and can’t get a place. I know a lot of people see FLM mainly as a charity thing, but to my mind it is still very much A RUNNING RACE in which the idea is to finish as fast as you can.

Rant over :o)

After 6 hours or so I had developed a nice tan and a very sore throat so we packed up and set off home for our own runs, followed by the post-marathon party.

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