report on swimming club session #11

Forgot to write report yesterday in the excitement of going out bowling at the ‘Chavtunda’ in Kingston. We thought we might get thrown out for wearing far too many clothes, but managed to sneak past security. Mixed results at bowling, but Sharon and I were awesome on the dance machine!

Anyway, swimming swimming swimming. Me, Danny, David and Sharon in attendance today. It looks like Danny and I will be winning the good attendance prizes at the end of term. With the triathlon looming David headed straight for the big boys front crawl lane, no messing about, and proceeded to plough up and down for an indeterminate number of lengths (cos he can’t keep count of them).

The rest of us swam in the lane too (not ‘that’ lane though) as the pool was v busy with ankle biters today. The water looked none too clean today either…. Danny did his usual 64 lengths, I did 70 (got cramp in my finger this time), Sharon unfortunately had to get out early as she had a bad headache.

My triathlon prep is slightly different to David’s – as there is zero possibility of me front crawling 400 meteres I have given up on it for now and am working on my breast stroke technique as it’s still a lot faster and more efficient than my front crawl. I will get back to it after the tri though.

Cake today was a lemon one made by Sharon (lovely but slightly lacking in the presentation department!) and some chocolate caramel crunchy things made by Mr M and Mr S. David once again won the ‘most pices of cake in 5 minutes’ award.

3 Responses to “report on swimming club session #11”

  1. Danny Says:

    You should have lived in the Victorian era – you’d have been so much more happier as a prude. 😛 There is nothing wrong with less clothes on women!

    I won the bowling may I just say.

    As for the cleanliness of the pool – well it just seemd to totally wreck my right eye/contact lense and semi-infect it. 😦

  2. Sharon Says:

    I will try harder on the cake presentation front next week, I will have to if it is going to be a PB cake!!!!! Gosh, I’m going to have to make two…oh the fun!

    Headache is strangely still here and in the same place. Very annoying. Am never having another latte again in Nero’s. I am so blaming it on the quadruple expresso she put in there. Come back Monica I say, her latte’s were the best!

    Is swimming before Sutton a good idea? I guess so….

  3. David Rowe Says:

    Some gentle swimming before Sutton is a good idea. A few gentle lengths I think. And then cake.

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